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剪纸 The Chinese art of paper cutting

2024-06-04 03:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

剪纸 The Chinese art of paper cutting

That's Mandarin 2024-02-08 09:00

分享到微信 CLOSE Li Yinjie creates paper-cutting artwork. [Photo by Li Lujian/For chinadaily.com.cn]


You've probably heard about the Chinese art of paper cutting, also known as paper designs, and seen the intricate artworks on the windows.


But have you ever tried making your own paper cuts?


In today's article, let's look at some key Chinese vocabulary that will help you not only to make your own masterpieces, but also to discuss them in Chinese.

Li Yinjie creates paper-cutting artwork. [Photo by Li Lujian/For chinadaily.com.cn]

剪纸 Paper Cutting


To begin, let's look at the Chinese name of the art itself:

剪纸jiǎn zhǐpaper cutting


The name will make more sense if you break it down:

剪jiǎnto cut



工具 Tools


What tools do you need to create paper cuts?


In fact, just 3 tools. One of them we already know — paper, 纸 (zhǐ). The other two are:

剪刀 / 剪子jiǎn dāo / jiǎn ziscissors



剪刀 (jiǎn dāo) is the more official word for "scissors' while 剪子 (jiǎn zi) is more colloquial.


铅笔qiān bǐpencil

步骤 Steps


Now that our tools are ready, let's start making our paper cuts!

Paper-cutting artworks made by Li Yinjie. [Photo by Li Lujian/For chinadaily.com.cn]



折zhéto fold


The first step is to fold the paper. The more times you fold it, the harder it will be to cut through, but your paper cuts will look more intricate.



画huàto draw


Once your paper, 纸 (zhǐ) is folded, you can start drawing the pattern with a pencil, 铅笔 (qiān bǐ). You can use your imagination and simple lines for a start — thanks to the folded paper, the result will look nice and symmetrical anyways.


For more advanced patterns, you can search on Baidu for paper cutting templates, 剪纸模版 (jiǎn zhǐ mú bǎn).



剪jiǎnto cut


The final step is cutting the paper following your pattern. Note that the more parts you cut out, the more intricate your artwork will be!


Your Turn


Are you good at paper cutting?

你会剪纸吗?Nǐ huì jiǎn zhǐ ma?Literal translation: "You-can-cut-paper-[ma]"?

来源:That's Mandarin编辑:万月英







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